3CHI Delta 9o Ice Cream Cake (CDT) Vape Cartridge, 1ml


4 in stock

SKU: 810099262360 Category:


Elevate your mind with 3CHI’s ultra pure Delta 9o vape carts. ∆9o gives an almost identical effect to ∆9o with the main differences being that it’s far smoother, slightly stronger, and tends to last longer than traditional cannabis vapes. This vape cart features a potent blend of 95% hemp-derived ∆9o oil and 5% terpenes. Items marked “CDT” use cannabis derived terpenes and have a truer cannabis taste than botanically derived terpenes.

Lab-tested by an accredited 3rd party Lab
No MCT, PG, VG, Vitamin E, or other cutting agents
95% Potent Broad Spectrum Delta 9o oil
5% Natural terpenes
1ml total Delta-9o vape cartridge

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